Animal Impound Partners


Since 1987, OLACC has been loyally serving the communities surrounding Lino Lakes. In addition to providing excellent veterinary care, OLACC serves as the impound for more than 25 cities/towns. CAC has partnered with OLACC since 2013 to provide animals with safe housing and care. After the stray hold is complete at OLACC, CAC transfers animals for all 25 impounding cities to local 501c3 rescue partners.

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Since 2017, CAC has partnered with Lucky Paws Midwest. As a program of LPMW, Western Wisconsin Animal Services provides impound services to all municipalities in Wisconsin that contract with Companion Animal Control. WWAS is the only state licensed impound in Pierce & St. Croix County where animals legally and humanely housed during the state required stray holding period, thus eliminating the need to transport animals into Minnesota for impound services.


Since 2016, SSPAH has impounded animals of Newport, MN at the veterinary clinic. Animals receive diligent care & attention during their stray hold at SSPAH. After the stray hold, SSPAH works with local rescue partners to place animals into foster homes for adoption.

Incorporated in 1975, the mission of Northwoods Humane Society is to care for animals in need—”the homeless, strays, abused, neglected, lost. Heal them, love them, help them find a home. CAC has partnered with NHS as a rescue partner since 2015 and in 2022 NHS also became an impound partner.