1 in 3 pets go missing in their lifetime
Founded in 2011, Companion Animal Control provides animal control services to over 45 municipalities in Anoka County, Ramsey County, Washington County, Minnesota as well as St. Croix County & Pierce County, Wisconsin.
To date, CAC has handled over 10,000 animal control related calls, helped over 11,500 animals. We respond to requests for animal control services from citizens of contracted cities and we work closely with law local enforcement.
Companion Animal Control does not operate an impound facility, rather we partner with local veterinary clinics and rescues to facilitate impound contracts with municipalities. This ensures animals are housed safely and comfortably for the state required holding time. We work closely with the impound facility, serving as point of contact to expedite the reclaim of animals by owners.
For animals unclaimed by owners or surrendered, Companion Animal Control partners with local 501c3 rescues to send animals into foster homes with the rescues in pursuit of permanent adoptive homes.
Anoka County, MN
Ramsey County, MN
Washington County, MN
Pierce County, WI
St. Croix County, WI
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit: Animals in Our Care
If you find your animal is within our care, this page includes the steps for how to reclaim your pet.
If you’ve found a pet, please safely contain the animal and call us at 715-220-1332. For more information on how to find the owner, what happens when a stray hold is done or how to adopt a found animal visit You Found an Animal Page
Visit: Report Your Lost Pet
Once you report you lost pet, we’ll post on our social media page and website to spread the word to help bring your pet home.
When reporting an animal welfare concern, your information remains confidential: Report an Animal Welfare Concern
Our Services
As part of our animal control service contracts with cities in MN & WI, every year we help hundreds of stray & abandoned animals. We drive to locations animals are found, often by Good Samaritans, and transport animals to a partnering vet clinic/impound facility. Animals receive the care and attention they need in a comfortable environment while we look for their owner.
For animals that have completed the state required stray hold or have been surrendered, we partner with local 501c3 rescues to find animals new adoptive homes. Animals are transported to volunteer foster homes, where they receive veterinary care and behavioral support while they begin searching for a new adoptive home.
Companion Animal Control responds to complaints and conducts enforcement for violations of animal ordinances & statutes while also working closely with local law enforcement. When appropriate, we focus on educating owners regarding the welfare of animals.